We all know gedit is very basic and can be improved greatly, as detailed in Pimp my Gedit. However, there's other, and easier ways, of doing this. In addition, there's a lot of fiddling around with the instructions there, and I don't really use a lot of stuff he recommends chasing down. Gmate is a godsend, collecting up a bunch of stuff for gedit, very helpful. However, I like a different auto complete plugin so I've forked it here.
To download and install gmate, in a terminal, type:
> git clone git://github.com/donibuchanan/gmate.git
> cd gmate
> sh install.sh
Answer yes to everything. Now to set it up.
Fire up gedit and go to Edit->Preferences
In the View tab make sure you have the following options checked
In the Editor tab, make it look like this
Fonts and Colours do this: Of course you can choose different ones but I've found these to be the best
Ok for the list of plugins, these are the ones I enable, you can choose different ones.
Advanced Bookmarks
Autocomplete (this relies on open files, so keep those tabs open)
File Browser Pane
Find In Files
Go to File (ctrl-alt-o to use)
Rails File Loader
Regex Search and Replace
Snippets (although i rarely use it)
Feel free to play around with all the plugins and if you think I should be using one, please tell me!
So now you have gedit, looking good and helping you out. Just make sure the root of you project is the root in the file browser pane.
This is a wonderful post. Helped me a lot.